Also, this permission allows the user to write data even if the read_only startup option is set, enable or disable logging, enable or disable replication on slaves, specify a DEFINER for statements that support that clause, connect once after reaching the MAX_CONNECTIONS.

Without the SHOW DATABASES privilege, user can still issue the SHOW DATABASES statement, but it will only list databases containing tables on which they have privileges.Ĭan execute superuser statements: CHANGE MASTER TO, KILL (users who do not have this privilege can only KILL their own threads), PURGE LOGS, SET global system variables, or the mysqladmin debug command. Without the INDEX privilege, user can still create indexes when creating a table using the CREATE TABLE statement if the user has have the CREATE privilege, and user can create indexes using the ALTER TABLE statement if they have the ALTER privilege.Ĭan list all databases using the SHOW DATABASES statement. MariaDB server must have permission to access those files.Ĭan create an index on a table using the CREATE INDEX statement. Also needed to create CONNECT outward tables. Read and write files on the server, using statements like LOAD DATA INFILE or functions like LOAD_FILE(). Hashed password, generated by the PASSWORD() function.Ĭan execute FLUSH statements or equivalent mysqladmin commands.Ĭan shut down the server with SHUTDOWN or mysqladmin shutdown.Ĭan show information about active processes, via SHOW PROCESSLIST or mysqladmin processlist. User (together with Host makes up the unique identifier for this account. Host (together with User makes up the unique identifier for this account. The er table contains the following fields: Field » Programming Languages Programming Languages.» Embedded Databases Embedded Databases.» DB Servers and Clusters DB Servers and Clusters.» Web Servers and Clusters Web Servers and Clusters.